I have this pretty awesome gift in which I can identify which movies any unknown actor has been in before. For example I knew that the girl who plays the love interest in Flight of The Conchords season two (where she makes Jermain dress up as Garfunkel), also played the weird Zoltag chick in Dude where's my car. It might not sound like that cool of a gift but so far it has come in handy because whenever someone goes "oh my gosh what movie is that guy from?", I can go "give me a minute... Oh yeah he is the meat man in Amy Sederis' Strangers with Candy".
But lately it seems that I'm finding it more difficult to place people, which is becoming really unsettling... I use to be really good at it.
All I fear now is that someone will ask me where a particular actor is from and I won't be able to deliver.
And if you think that I am just kidding around.
This is a very real and very legitimate concern for me... :P