Sunday, June 7, 2009

Playing with ma Nipples

Rhythm Heaven is my new all time favourite game. I love it. I partly like it because it's so much of a girls game, like it's impossible to lose :P

Also I must say I am happy that Cooking Mama two has included desserts but I do not like that you have to sit through all that present winning bonus calculating bs. I like CM 1 because it didn't have all that silliness.

Annnnnd it's been bought to my attention that there is a Left 4 Dead two coming out. I am excited because it means more maps and nastier zombies but I am not so happy because they are including more weapons and more good guys. It's a good game because it's nice and simple so I hope number two doesn't get all complicated.

I suck at Rainbow six... I hope if in a real war situation I'd be able to locate a safe point on a wall other wise I'd be fucked :P